Welcome to One Stop Loan center
Apply for Payday Loans Online
If an unexpected car repair, emergency situation, or other bill has you scrambling for cash but payday is still days away, you might be wondering how you’re going to handle it. At ONE STOP LOAN CENTER, you may be able to find a short or longer-term loan option that can help.
We fund our loans quickly with a deposit to your checking account ASAP.
How it Works
All of our money lenders are more than happy to take as much or as little time as you need to make sure that you understand everything about your loan, and to make sure that you’re using it effectively. It’s likely why we’re so highly reviewed by our customers!
Sign Up
It only takes a few minutes to get a payday loan with us. First off, fill out the application form. We’ll need your basic details, including name, birthdate, address, and the amount you want to borrow.
Your application will be analyzed and approved or denied right away. Once you’re approved, we send you a contract which you digitally sign and that’s it.
Finally, you’ll get the funds via Interac e-Transfer within 15 minutes. You can accept the contract 24 hours a day.
Why Choose One Stop Loan Center?
When you choose to do business with us, you’ll experience an easy application process. Our application is simple, straightforward, and does not require you to click through a lot of links or jump from website to website. Our approval process is fast and is typically completed the same day, often within minutes. We fund our loans quickly with a deposit to your checking account typically by the next business day. Your loan approval is based on your qualifications and any laws your state may have in place governing loans. Have bad credit? You may still qualify for a loan. Check out our rates and terms to learn more about the guidelines in your state, and check back often to find more options for installment loans and other loans for people with bad credit.
Fast Application
Filling out the application should take less than 5 minutes. Submitting your banking details is also very quick.
100% Online
We are completely online, so you won’t need to FAX any documents or go to a storefront.
Bad Credit OK
Bad credit is no problem with One Stop Loan Center. Most short term loans are issued with no credit check, based on your online bank account.
Safe & Secure
Your personal information is safe with us. We use state of the art encryption to protect your data, and we don’t sell it to third parties.